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G5 Massage

G5 massage is one of the most effective methods used to eliminate existing cellulite by preventing the formation of cellulite. Mechanical vibration waves provide cellulite treatment with support for the movement of subcutaneous tissues and the shaping of the body.

With this application, the circulatory system is stimulated and the solidified fats are converted into free radicals, allowing the removal of toxins from the body through the urinary tract.

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Advantages of G5 Massage

It is 10 times more effective and powerful than manual massages.

Allows you to burn excess fat that accumulates in the body.

It has a recovery effect on the skin.

Provides regional slimming.

Removes cellulite.

Reduces physical stress.

Increases the mobility of muscles and joints.

Regulates regional circulation.

It november the removal of lactic acid accumulated in the muscles due to fatigue from the body, relieves spasms.

It has the property of removing edema and toxins.

Gives the skin elasticity.

Fixes the problem of bone pain.

Reduces stress.

Accelerates metabolism.

If practiced before passive gymnastics, it allows the body to warm up and start burning fat earlier.


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