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When walking or running on a treadmill, it creates a negative – low atmospheric pressure environment with a vacuum and infrared heat effect on the one hand, allowing you to dec 600-1200 calories in 30 minutes.

It is ideal for people who are new to sports and want to get slimmer and tighter, but can't spend much time on sports.

BodySpace all the technology components that are included in the maximum burning calories by providing the energy consumption of the muscles and in this way it is aimed to increase the maximum regional slimming, throwing water from the body and weight loss.

Infrared heat (infrared ray) during exercise increases your body temperature, speeding up your metabolism and making you sweat 5 times more. Infrared rays, in addition to removing edema from the body, provide 20% fat burning, removal of heavy metals, acids and toxins. At the same time, it strengthens our immune system by activating our defense system.

It accelerates the release of fatty acids by accelerating the blood flow that reaches the fatty tissues with a vacuum effect. It allows the fatty tissues to separate faster than the november tissues.

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With BodySpace;

Reduction in the appearance of cellulite

Fast fat burning

Slimming and regional shaping

By accelerating the blood flow of the skin, collagen increases in the tissue, delaying the aging process (making it more firm and flexible.

Strengthening the physical condition

Improving blood and lymph circulation

Rapid elimination of toxins and free radicals and harmful substances from the body is achieved.


We have set out with years of experience and expertise; we are waiting for you to have a wider, more different, higher quality experience than all you have seen..