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The role of a dietitian in sports and wellness clubs is extremely important. First of all, it is necessary to find out the frequency and severity of sports activities of people who are engaged in sports. In order to interpret this, we must necessarily have a knowledge of the sports equipment used in the sports club, group lessons, and all october sports equipment used by the person. If we know which part of our body the sports program runs, we will also organize the nutrition program according to it. You will appreciate that the nutritional arrangements of the individual who does weight training and the individual who does cardio training should never be the same. The point that nutritionists constantly try to emphasize is the following: “The diet is individual,” that is, everyone's diet is like a fingerprint, and everyone's is different from each other.

Therefore, especially if you are a dietitian working in a sports club, you must necessarily master all the information about sports in order to be able to prepare the right nutrition program for a person. After learning the training program that the person applies, it is necessary to prepare nutrition programs according to body analysis measurement, blood tests and eating habits. It is necessary to monitor whether the person has achieved his goals by regularly monitoring him for weekly, 15-day or maximum periods of 1 month. At this point, the business requires a multidisciplinary approach. And the dietitian alone can not solve the weight problem. This is a team effort. Therefore, they should work as a team of fitness and/or pilates coaches and dieticians in sports clubs to create the most accurate nutrition and training program by monitoring the health problems, body analyzes and lifestyles of the individual with accurate examinations and evaluations.

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